A Brief Insight Into the Changing Fashion Trends in Nepal


Every year, a large number of fashion trends are changing in the subcontinent of Nepal. With the advent of change, Nepal has also gained a lot of attention from various other parts of the world for its unmatched fashion sense. The recent development in the garment industry has also given a boost to the Nepal fashion industry. Garment sector in Nepal is witnessing tremendous growth these days and most renowned fashion designers have initiated their own ventures in this subcontinent.

While it may seem difficult to pin down the exact place and time for which fashion trends in Nepal first appeared, it is safe to say that it originated during the period between 2001 and 2003. During this period, the country’s economy gained a lot of popularity with the entry of Westerners. This new influx gave a new push to the Indian fashion market. At that time, many Nepali brands like Lakme, Patiala, Bapu, Sunware, etc. gained recognition all over the world with great success.

However, the current scenario has changed completely. Nowadays, it is difficult to find a local brand that is not selling at least some fashion tops or shoes. The only thing missing from most of the popular international brands now-a-days are the unique prints on the clothes. Since Nepal is considered to be one among the most popular trekking destinations in the world, it is not surprising to see the presence of several western fashion trends in this part of the world. Whether you are looking for some trendy tops or sandals to match your summer attire, you will easily find all the things you need at the most affordable prices online.
